Eyelid Surgery

With such attention given to the eyes, it’s no wonder so many men and women from West Vancouver and surrounding areas with droopy upper eyelids and puffy bags consider blepharoplasty, often called eyelid surgery. In Vancouver, BC, Royal College-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Peter Lennox has many years of experience transforming the most expressive part of the face from appearing old and tired to young and energized.

To take the next step, request a consultation with Dr. Lennox. Or, call our office at (604) 876-6552 to schedule your appointment. Women and men come to Dr. Lennox’s practice for eyelid surgery from West Vancouver, Burnaby, and throughout the Vancouver area.

Eyelid Surgery
 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 3
Case: 1 of 3
Before & After Eyelid Surgery Case 25 View #1 View in Vancouver, BC
Before & After
Case: 1 of 2

This 56 year old woman from Vancouver was bothered by the amount of excess skin in her upper eyelids, and the quality of her upper eyelid skin. She elected to have upper lid blepharoplasty with skin excision and minimal fat excision. She was happy with the reduction in the upper lid skin excess and restoration of balance in her upper lid and e... Read More
Before & After Eyelid Surgery Case 12 View #1 View in Vancouver, BC
Before & After
Case: 2 of 2

This 44 year old woman noted skin excess and heaviness to her upper eyelids, and felt that she looked tired. She underwent removal of the skin (upper lid blepharoplasty). Her before photos show her pre operative markings.

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Understanding Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery opens and brightens the eyes by removing loose skin and fatty tissues that create droopiness and bags. This can be particularly troubling for women because it obscures the natural contours of the eyelid and makes it difficult to apply cosmetics. For men and women, bulging tissues make the eyes look small, tired, or even angry.

In Vancouver, blepharoplasty involves placing incisions in the fold of the upper lid and just below the eyelashes of the lower lid. Excess fat and skin are removed, the skin is tightened, and the incisions are delicately closed with tiny sutures. When healed, the scars are nearly impossible to see. An alternative method to treating the lower eyelid involves an incision on the inside of the lower lid. This allows Dr. Lennox to reduce lower eyelid bags with no visible scarring.

Recovery & Results

Eyelid surgery is an outpatient procedure, and most of Dr. Lennox’s patients tell us that they experience minimal discomfort. It is common to have some bruising and swelling for the first 2 days but these issues usually subside rapidly on the third day. Most men and women return to work and start going out socially a week after surgery and resume their workouts 3 weeks after surgery.

Can I Have Plastic Surgery If I’m Overweight?

Patient safety is our priority at Lennox Cosmetic Surgery. Because of that, Dr. Lennox requires women and men to have a body mass index (BMI) below 30 before they can undergo elective cosmetic surgery. According to Canadian guidelines from Health Canada, anyone with a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese and has a high risk of suffering complications following plastic surgery. A BMI between 25 and 29 is considered overweight.

Dr. Peter Lennox

Meet Dr. Lennox

Engaging, well-educated, and extensively trained, Royal College-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Peter Lennox has earned the trust of his peers, his patients, and his students.

Meet Dr. Lennox

Complementary Procedures

Eyelid surgery cannot remove every wrinkle from the eyelid area so many patients combine their procedure with injectable fillers to plump and smooth the skin’s appearance. For even more dramatic results, some patients also have a  to tighten sagging skin of the cheeks, jawline, and neck.

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